In Pursuit of an Organized Life

. . . putting life in order

Returning to What Works

I remember attending a workshop about organizing and the instructor asking about what used to work for you in the past.  She then asked why aren’t you still doing that.   In most of the examples that I thought of, there was no good answer.

I’m finding that now.  I got busy and cut out the stuff I know that helps me.  So I’m going to get back into what worked for me before.

  • Exercising to improve my mood
  • Monthly meal plans
  • Using same motivational techniques that worked for potty training to help motivate my daughter to read

Off to sort the kids clothes and put away summer stuff while the kids are playing downstairs.

Enjoy the weekend!


Daily Success!!

Today is the first day that I completed all of the habits I’d like to complete on a daily basis.   I even ran upstairs to floss so that I could write this post tonight. I started tracking this list a week ago hoping to take steps towards living a balanced and happy life.

I colored in all the little boxes and highlighted the column so that I could more easily see my success.  I’m hoping that this will be the first of many of these days.  Success breeds success right?

Here are some fun facts:

  • Most consistently completed–read book
  • Least likely to be completed–clean counter
  • Average number of habits completed per day 4.75 (out of 9)

I should finish my drink and get some sleep.  Enjoy your day!

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New Years Themes Revisited

This point in the year many people are either on their way to reaching their goals or have forgotten about them.   The good thing about writing a blog is that I can look back and see exactly what my thoughts were and see how I’m doing.  At the end of December, I decided the themes for the year were organization, fitness, and social.  Here is a brief update on those areas plus 2 I’ve added along the way.

  • Organization—I’ll keep this one short since this is the focus of the blog.   Not where I’d dream I’d be, but still making progress.  I want to make more of an effort to actually deal with clutter rather than keep putting it away.  Broken toys, books I read, but didn’t like, dealing with papers.   I have started to make a dent on my closet.
  • Fitness—-making gradual changes on fitness.  Trying to get back to the fitness level and schedule I had this time last year.  Realistically, I’m going consistently to one fitness class a week and making it to the gym overall 2-3 times a week.  I’ve been doing Zumba more lately and figuring out the moves and getting less self-conscious about dancing.  I want to increase my time at the gym and be more consistent about doing some sort of exercise at home.  Push ups and crunches before bed.
  • Social—Probably the area that I’ve made the least amount of changes.  I’ve called some friends I haven’t talked to in a while, but haven’t made much of an effort to see people in person.  I’m hoping to set up some sort of party with friends for sometime in April.  Be it just hanging out, games, wine and cheese, or at home tea party.
  • Meditation—I’ve started focusing more on meditation.  I’ve read a mindfulness book and am doing the 21 day meditation challenge.  I’ve enjoyed doing the guided meditations and feel that I am better at reducing the mental chatter.
  • Travel—-Lately, I’ve been thinking more about traveling.  I miss it.  I want to go somewhere that my husband and I haven’t been and explore it together.     We have travel options surrounding races, weddings, hiking, or family adventures.  I’d love to do a hiking trip with just the two of us, but we have some details to work out.  It has been fun looking at possible options and dreaming of a break in the routine.  I know we’d enjoy any of the trips.

That’s where I’m at now.  Did you set New Years Resolutions?  How are they going?


Quote of the Week

“There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves”        Frank Herbert

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Me time and We time

My husband’s schedule changed and I see more of him which overall I LOVE.   It’s so nice to have someone else to talk to and share the daily parenting responsibility.   Some things are just more fun with other people.

The other side is that part of me is missing the me time or some of the routines that I got used to.  Little things like meditating more or watching my shows.  I’d clean during commercial breaks, but when he’s around we fast forward through the commercials.  Still sorting out that balance of when to get stuff done and how to spend free time. 

Finding that balance between couple, family, work, and self.  I’m giving up on finding “THE PLAN”.    I make it and don’t follow or life changes. 

Off to give some TLC to the house that has been ignored since family changes and work have hijacked my life right now.