In Pursuit of an Organized Life

. . . putting life in order


I had a wonderful and productive morning. No kids. Just me, the car, and to do/buy list. It felt great to be able to cross all the stuff off my list at one time rather than doing random little stops throughout the week or month.  It felt so efficient and purposeful than either dragging the kids and spending more time hurding than shopping (tripling the time).  I think it also helped me to buy less since all the spending was in one morning rather than $10 here and $50 here.  I wouldn’t buy something that was just okay at one store when I knew another store would probably have more options.

  • Hair Cut—I wanted to get a new hair cut before I started my new job.  I want to make a good first impression as well as easier to maintain my hair with my busier schedule.  I was in the habit of wearing my hair in a pony tail most of the time which makes me look younger than I am.  (I had someone this summer ask if my parents were home.  Needless to say my parents were not at my home, but my two children were napping upstairs).  I have new layers and it looks good down with minimal effort.  I can still put it into a ponytail for working out.
  • Library/Borders—picked up books and DVDs I reserved at the library and browsed the going out of buisness sale at Borders.  While I had fun browsing at Borders, the library was a much better stop—picked up books on reserve check out and go home with free materials.  I ended up spending about 45 minutes at Borders and coming out with 2 magazines and a running log book.  Everything was 50%-70% off, but most of the stuff I could get from the library for free, couldn’t find what I wanted, or was still more than I was willing to spend for the item.  There are so many “sales” now days that I forgot how high some of the suggested retail prices are.
  • Tea shop—So excited to have a tea shop near my house.  I got a drink to sip while I run errands and enough loose leaf tea to make about 30 cups of tea for $8.  Life’s little luxturies.

I also got basic groceries, deposited checks, and purchased a planner for work.  I am planning on making a list of items and errands to keep on the fridge.  Then I can schedule days like these as needed.  I already have a couple of ideas.

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